Class-11 (hornbill) poem – 4 The voice of the Rain (MCQ)

Ncert solution for class 11 English (hornbill) poem – 4 The Voice of The Rain MCQ with answers

Question: 1 What does the poet compare the rain with?

1. Song

2. Heaven

3. Beauty

4. Flowers

Answer: Song

Question: 2 Who was the poet of the poem ” The voice of a rain ” ?

1. Walt Whitman

2. Naipal

3. kushwant singh

4. Shirley Toulson

Answer: Walt Whitman

Question: 3 What Hyperbole was used in the poem?

1. I am the poem of earth

2. Soft – falling shower

3. Bottomless sea

4. Voice of the rain

Answer: Bottomless sea

Question: 4 Where does the song return in the poem?

1. To earth

2. To ocean

3. To the past

4. To it’s originator i.e singer

Answer: To it’s originator i.e singer

Question: 5 What does the word Descend mean ?

1. Not clear

2. Came down

3. To wash

4. Hidden

Answer: Come down

Question: 6 What does Reckd Or unreckd mean ?

1. Enriched or not enriched

2. Cared for or not cared for

3. Purified or not

4. Washed or not washed

Answer: Cared for or not cared for

Question: 7 What happens to rain in the sky ?

1. It forms clouds

2. Rain it condenses

3. Rain drops from

4. None of the above

Answer: Rain drops from

Question: 8 From where does the song of the rain originate ?

1. From heaven

2. From the ocean

3. From the heart of the singer

4. From the soul of earth

Answer: From the heart of the singer

Question: 9 What does the rain reply to the poet’s question: who are you?

1. She is a rain

2. She is poem of earth

3. She is rain from mountain

4. She is a poem of mountain

Answer: She is poem of earth

Question: 10 What does the poet ask to the soft – falling of shower ?

1. Who are you?

2. What do you do?

3. What is your name?

4. How are you doing?

Answer: Who are you?

Question: 11 Why does the rain tell the poet that she cannot be touched?

1. Because she is water

2. Because she rises in the form of water vapour

3. Because she is in front of clouds

4. None of the above

Answer: Because she rises in the form of water vapour

Question: 12 From which two places does the rain rise in the form of water vapor?

1. Land and bottomless sea

2. Fields and homes

3. Mountains and plains

4. None of the above

Answer: Land and bottomless sea

Question: 13 What happens to the earth when rain falls back on the surface of earth?

1. It gets flooded

2. Earth is beautified

3. Cloudburst occurs

4. We get pure water

Answer: Earth is Beautified

Question: 14 The rain according to the poet is a source of?

1. Death

2. Life

3. Water

4. Cloud

Answer: Life

Question: 15 What does the rain purify and beautifully?

1. The sea

2. The earth

3. The forest

4. The atmosphere

Answer: The atmosphere

Question: 16 What is bottomless?

1. The sea

2. The sky

3. The cloud

4. The earth

Answer: The sea

Question: 17 What does the rain do without any expectations?

1. She talks to the land

2. She works harder

3. She completes her work and talks to the earth

4. She completed her work and returned to its origin

Answer: She completes her work and returns to its origin

Question: 18 Which figure of speech has been used throughout the poem?

1. personification

2. repetition

3. symbolism

4. None of the above

Answer: personification

Question: 19 Why does the poet compare the rain with a song?

1. Both are useful

2. Both work without expectations

3. Both share a common journey

4. All of the above

Answer: All of the above

Question: 20 What is the poet’s attitude towards rain?

1. Sympathetic

2. Satirical

3. Deprecating

4. Appreciative

Answer: Appreciative

Question: 21 How does the rain help the seeds inside the earth?

1. Provides Water

2. Provides life

3. Provides life and helps them grow

4. None of the above

Answer: Provides life and helps them grow

Question: 22 The poem The voice of the rain a conversation between…… ?

1. Poet and mountain

2. Poet and Rain

3. Rain and mountain

4. Birds and Rain

Answer: Poet and Rain

Question: 23 How does the rain help the seeds inside the earth?

1. Overwatering kills the seeds

2. Provides life and helps them grow

3. Both A and B

4. None of the above

Answer: Provides life and helps them grow

Question: 24 Why does the rain descend so the earth?

1. To wash the drought and provide water

2. She provide life on earth.

3. It beautify and purify the death

4. It provides life

Answer: To wash the drought and provide water

Question: 25 How is showered formed?

1. Beautifuly

2. Sweetly

3. Gently

4. Vaguely

Answer: Vaguely

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